
“Connecting the Dots” 

Last night, just before going to bed, I watched Dennis Michael Lynch as he did his nightly “Boat & Talk” video on Facebook. He was talking with his daughter, a high school student, about  “connecting the dots”, a metaphor about life. He said he got this idea from a YouTube video from Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address.


I woke up this morning thinking about what Dennis had said, and decided to go to YouTube and search for Steve Jobs. Here’s what I found:


In this speech, Steve gives three small stories about his life’s experiences. The first story is about “connecting the dots”. I recommend to everyone, especially my own grandkids, to click on the YouTube link and watch this Steve Jobs speech. I am a pretty old person, but it has influenced my present living!


I have since done some research using ChatGPT AI about “connecting the dots”. Below is what I found:




“Connecting the Dots” is a powerful concept famously mentioned by Steve Jobs in his 2005 Stanford Commencement Address. In his speech, Jobs shared personal anecdotes about his life, emphasizing how seemingly unrelated events and experiences eventually led to significant breakthroughs and success in his journey. Here’s an article exploring the meaning of “connecting the dots” and how you can apply this idea in your future endeavors.

Understanding “Connecting the Dots”

Steve Jobs used the metaphor of “connecting the dots” to convey the idea that life’s experiences, both positive and negative, often make sense only in hindsight. He spoke about how his calligraphy classes, for example, seemed unrelated to his future career in technology but eventually influenced the design and aesthetics of Apple’s products.

The essence of “connecting the dots” lies in recognizing and valuing every experience, skill, and lesson learned along the way, even if they don’t immediately seem relevant to your goals. It’s about embracing diversity in experiences and understanding that each step contributes to a broader, richer tapestry of knowledge and skills.

Practical Applications of “Connecting the Dots”

  1. Embrace Diverse Experiences: Don’t limit yourself to one field or area of expertise. Explore different interests, take on new challenges, and learn from diverse experiences. You never know how they might intersect and contribute to your future endeavors.
  2. Learn from Setbacks: Failures and setbacks are often integral parts of the journey. Instead of being discouraged, analyze what went wrong, extract lessons from the experience, and use them to inform your decisions moving forward.
  3. Stay Curious: Curiosity fuels the process of connecting dots. Ask questions, seek knowledge beyond your immediate scope, and remain open to unconventional ideas. Curiosity expands your perspective and allows you to see connections that others might overlook.
  4. Trust the Process: Sometimes, the significance of certain experiences or skills may not be immediately apparent. Trust that every step you take is contributing to your growth and preparing you for future opportunities.
  5. Be Patient: Connecting the dots is not always a linear or quick process. It requires patience and a long-term view. Stay committed to your journey, and trust that clarity will emerge over time.

Applying “Connecting the Dots” in Your Future

Now, how can you use this idea in your own life and future pursuits?

  1. Reflect on Your Experiences: Take time to reflect on your past experiences, both personal and professional. Identify key lessons, skills acquired, and moments of growth. Consider how these aspects can inform your future goals and aspirations.
  2. Seek Diverse Opportunities: Don’t shy away from new experiences or challenges that may seem unrelated to your current path. Embrace them as opportunities to broaden your skills, perspectives, and potential for connecting dots in the future.
  3. Find Patterns and Connections: As you navigate your journey, pay attention to patterns and connections that emerge across different aspects of your life. Look for ways to integrate these insights into your decision-making and strategic planning.
  4. Stay Adaptable: The ability to connect dots often requires adaptability and a willingness to pivot when necessary. Stay open to changing circumstances, new information, and unexpected opportunities that may lead to valuable connections.
  5. Network and Collaborate: Building meaningful connections with others can also contribute to connecting dots. Collaborate with diverse individuals, exchange ideas, and leverage collective knowledge to achieve greater insights and breakthroughs.

By embracing the concept of “connecting the dots,” you empower yourself to see beyond the surface, recognize hidden opportunities, and create a more holistic and fulfilling path toward your goals. Just as Steve Jobs found meaning and purpose in his diverse experiences, you too can navigate your journey with clarity, resilience, and a sense of purpose.

In his 2005 Stanford Commencement Address, Steve Jobs also shared profound thoughts about death, highlighting its role in shaping life and driving meaningful choices. Here are additional insights into what he said about “death” in that speech:

Embracing Mortality

  1. Motivation to Live Fully: Jobs emphasized that acknowledging the inevitability of death can serve as a powerful motivator to live authentically and pursue what truly matters. The awareness of mortality can sharpen one’s focus on meaningful goals and values.
  2. Clearing the Noise: Jobs suggested that remembering you will die is a liberating perspective. It helps prioritize what’s important and disregard distractions or fears that might otherwise hold you back from taking risks or pursuing your passions.

Legacy and Contribution

  1. Legacy of Contribution: Jobs spoke about leaving a legacy not just in terms of material wealth but in the impact one has on others and the world. He encouraged graduates to contribute positively, knowing that their time is limited.
  2. Connectivity through Generations: He hinted at the idea that death connects generations, as each person’s contributions and innovations build upon those who came before, inspiring future generations to continue the cycle of growth and progress.

Resilience and Courage

  1. Facing Adversity: Jobs shared personal experiences of facing setbacks and challenges, including his battle with cancer. He highlighted the importance of resilience in the face of adversity, drawing strength from the knowledge that life is finite.
  2. Courage to Follow Your Heart: Knowing that time is limited, Jobs urged listeners to have the courage to follow their hearts and intuition, even when it leads to uncertainty or unconventional paths. He believed that embracing mortality can free one from fear and societal expectations.

Reflection and Action

  1. Reflecting on Mortality: Jobs encouraged the audience to regularly reflect on their mortality, not in a morbid sense but as a reminder to live with purpose and passion, making each moment count.
  2. Seizing Opportunities: He emphasized seizing opportunities, taking risks, and pursuing dreams without delay, as waiting for the “right” moment may mean missing out on transformative experiences and contributions.

Overall, Jobs’ reflections on death in his commencement address underscored the importance of embracing life fully, leaving a positive impact, and having the courage to pursue one’s aspirations without being constrained by fear or external pressures.


“I believe that true happiness is not just about achieving goals but also about the journey of growth and learning that goes along with the pursuit of those goals. And pursuing what you like, even in the later stage of your life ” – Darrel Stilwell, April 25, 2024